
Norfolk leaders hear stories of life-changing faith

BobWoollard430Civic and business leaders from across Norfolk heard the life-changing stories of a former Hell’s Angel and a county council chairman at a County Towns Initiative dinner in Norwich on October 10.

The event, supported by the FGB Fellowship, also celebrated work in the community done by faith groups and volunteers across Norfolk and the Lord Mayor of Norwich told guests that the role of Christian voluntary organisations was vital to the provision of social services in the city.
The dinner, held at the Brook Hotel, Bowthorpe, was attended by Deputy Lieutenant Mrs Holly Rawkins JP, the Sheriff of Norwich, the chairmen of Broadland, Breckland and South Norfolk councils, the temporary Chief Constable, senior partners of Lovewell Blake accountants and Mills & Reeve solicitors, and the Chairman of Buy Local, Martin Lake amongst many other distinguished guests.
Norfolk County Towns Initiative chairman, John Wright, said: “The CTI was founded to help those in authority appreciate the huge free contribution made to the welfare state by voluntary Christian organisations such as street pastors, foodbanks and agencies tackling debt advice, drug addiction, poverty and many other needs, backed by Christian organisations as The Church Urban Fund.”  
ColinPownall430“One of our speakers, Colin Pownall, a former drug addict and prisoner, who said he used to hate policemen. Once he had become a Christian, and a Prison Chaplain, he found that he loved policemen, and gave police officers present a big hug at the end of the evening.
“Our main speaker was Bob Woollard, a former Chairman of Buckinghamshire County Council, and now Chairman of the Grassroots Conservative Action Group. He also described how his life and marriage had been transformed once he became a Christian.”
Pictured top is Bob Woollard and right Colin Pownall, at the Norfolk CTI dinner.

Published: 15/10/2013