The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Study scripture with Norfolk Postal Bible School

Postbox Copyright  2005 Kaihsu2013: With over 100 students ranging from toddlers to pensioners, Norfolk Postal Bible School helps people of all ages learn more about the scriptures at their own pace.

The Norfolk Postal Bible School (NPBS) is currently providing over 100 students of all ages across the county with free correspondence Bible courses.  And it has room to welcome more.  

NPBS sends students age appropriate lesson notes with simple puzzles or in-depth questions to complete around scripture passages.   Each student is assigned an ongoing teacher, who marks the returned lessons with helpful observations and is available to help with questions about the Bible and matters of faith.   The marked notes are returned to the student to keep, together with a fresh lesson.  This is done on a monthly basis, with students encouraged to go at their own pace without pressure.

Robert Hodd of NPBS explains the reason behind this service: “Even in our secular and multi-faith society a good number of people believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that He lived and died.  So it makes sense to find out what He is really like and what God's plan is for us.  When there are so many different churches with different doctrines and ways of worship, how do we do that?  The simple answer is to read the Bible but that can be hard to get into and even if we want to study, online lessons are impersonal whereas a more personal study can be intimidating. That's where Norfolk Postal Bible Study can help.”

NPBS is a free service supported by local churches and individuals.  The only cost to students is the price of a stamp to return the notes.  Students also build up points which can be exchanged for a voucher to be used at several high street shops.

If you are interested in studying with NPBS or would like more details about their Family Day please email Janice Coleman, Secretary of NPBS at npbs@colemannr32.fsnet.co.uk.

Photo: Copyright © 2005 Kaihsu Tai

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