
Gordon shares faith-building story at Norwich dinner

GordonBambridgeCF450Norfolk business man Gordon Bambridge, who “accidentally became a Christian” at the age of 28 at his children's christening service, was even more surprised when he later found that his own story inspired life-changing faith in the lives of others.

Gordon, who has spoken at FGB dinner evenings across the UK and northern Europe, was the main speaker at a dinner at the Best Western Brook Hotel, at Bowthorpe, Norwich, on Friday, November 14. 

Family-man Gordon, who has worked in commerce for more than 30 years, has also been a Councillor in the Breckland District of Norfolk for nearly 12 years.

The dinner at the Best Western Brook Hotel, NR5 9JB, is at 7.15pm for 7.30pm.   All men and women visitors are welcome.   

How to book for the Dinner Evening on Friday, November 14: Reservations at £10.50 can made with Malcolm Springall on 01603 722 651 or by email to:

Bookings can also be made with by phone to Mike Wiltshire on 01603 503 274 and John Wright on 016508 494 366, if possible by Wednesday, November 12.

Advance reservations can be paid for at the door on the night. (Bookings that are subsequently not used will need to be paid for because the hotel needs numbers in advance).

BrookHotelNorwichThis event is one of a series of monthly dinners arranged by FGB, the Full Gospel businessmen’s  fellowship, endorsed by the Archbishop of York, who says, “We need more men like them.”

Pictured above is Cllr Gordon Bambridge and the Brook Hotel, venue for the November 14 dinner.


Published: 25/10/2014