The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Opinion Column

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Searching for rainbows – the sign of God’s love

Anna Heydon has been finding the rainbow images displayed in some people’s windows over the last few weeks an encouraging reminder of God’s love.

For me one of the most poignant moments of lockdown came early on. The nation had only just been told that we needed to stay at home, and I was feeling stunned. Then on my phone screen appeared a photo sent by my sister. It was the image of a rainbow my young niece and nephew had created and put in their front window for passers-by to “make them feel happy if they are sad.”

It wasn’t just the moment of connection with my beloved family nor simply the innocent compassion of the children which affected me so profoundly. As well as those things it was a sudden realisation of the appropriacy of the sign of the rainbow.
In a period when it sometimes feels like we are walking through a storm, despite the bright sunshine outside, it is good to be reminded that beauty and joy, like a rainbow, can occur because of the downpour. I have seen this demonstrated in the response to Covid-19 in Great Yarmouth. There is much sadness and mourning during this season, and grief must be given space for expression.
However, through the rain I have glimpsed the colours of hope.
I am involved with churches and the community coming together to enable the provision of hundreds of food deliveries to people who are self-isolating and hot meals to those who are vulnerable. I’ve seen individuals reaching out to their neighbours with acts of kindness. I’ve witnessed a sense of solidarity and gratitude as we come together each Thursday night to show our appreciation for those on the frontline. And I’ve observed people who can no longer meet face-to-face, finding ways to bring a little encouragement and joy through letters, gifts, telephone and online gatherings.
In the Bible the rainbow also has powerful symbolism. It is the mark of God’s presence and His faithfulness to His promises even when the world seems full of destruction and disaster. It was a reminder to Noah that God had brought Him safely through the flood and would never abandon him or the generations to come.
It is also a symbol which is used in the Bible’s description of heaven to remind us that even when this world seems lonely or frightening, if we trust in Jesus we have the certainty of His healing, comforting presence for eternity beyond death.
As we continue to navigate our way through this tempest, I’m praying that each day you would be able to catch, out of the corner of your eye, a rainbow: the gentle shades of human selflessness and the radiant hues of God’s love.

The image is courtesy of Pexels on pixabay.com

This article first appeared at: https://imaginenorfolktogether.org.uk

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Anna Heydon is Development Worker for Imagine Norfolk Together in Great Yarmouth, a joint venture between the Diocese of Norwich and the Church Urban Fund, a national organisation set up by the Church of England to combat unmet needs in communities.

Visit: https://www.cuf.org.uk/together-norfolk



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