The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

emma sivyer 750cf
Flegg area churches unite for blessing

Churches from across the Flegg area have come together to create a joint prayer for their communities, which has been compiled as a video on YouTube.

Rev Dr Steven Sivyer, priest in charge at St Mary the Virgin Parish Church, said “The idea came from Emma Sivyer (pictured above) who is a minister at Martham Parish Churches. She invited all churches from the area to send a prayer of blessing for our communities.” 

The churches taking part were: New Wine in Martham, Martham Parish Church, Norfolk Broads Methodist Circuit, Light of Life in Ormesby, East Gate Ministries, South Trinity Broads Parish, and Fleggburgh Methodist Church.
The resulting blessing can be accessed here:

TonyRothe150Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in East Norfolk?  

If so, e-mail tony.rothe@networknorwich.co.uk with details and, if possible a suitable picture. 

Tony Rothe, 10/06/2020

Tony Rothe
To submit a story or to publicise an event please email: web@networknorwich.co.uk