The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Norwich is gateway of prayer and revival

JohnMulinde400By Keith Morris

2009: An internationally-known African church pastor who helped to transform his country and lead the fight against Aids, has spoken in Norwich of his belief that the city and the UK will help lead a move of God based on prayer and personal holiness.
Pastor John Mulinde (pictured right), an internationally-known speaker on Christian revival, spoke at several events in Norwich last weekend (June 12 and 13), on prayer, revival and transformation.
John’s message was born out great persecution of the church in Uganda in 1988. Undaunted, he and fellow church leaders “began to take God at his word” and the result was a transforming revival that has touched not only Uganda but other parts of the world that have heard the call to true discipleship, unity and integrity in critical times. 
The church has been at the forefront of the transformation of Uganda since the days of dictator Idi Amin, and in the fight against Aids, in prayer and in intervention and in the latest peace talks between the rebels and the Ugandan government
“The church has got into many situations where it has influenced the direction of government,” said John. “As we prayed more and more, and as we got prophetic insight into the direction in which the country needed to go, we got the ear of the leaders. They began to pay attention.
“Uganda is now held up as a model in the way in which it has dealt with Aids. The church said it was more important to be open and to save lives than to save tourism and the decision was taken to put lives before tourism. We advocated the ABC policy Abstain, Be faithful to your long term partner and, as a last resort, use Condoms.
John Mulinde, who is the founder and director of the World Trumpet Mission, also said he believes that England has a key prophetic place in God’s work in Europe.
“Across the world people see Europe as really slidden away from its position as the major missionary force,” said John. “Today it is seen as post Christian, but I believe that God is not through with Europe and yet one more time we will see a move of God across Europe.
“But according to the revelation that God has been giving to many intercessors it is going to start here in Great Britain and spread across Europe.
“Norwich is one place, like an eastern gate, that God has been pointing to and many intercessors have Norwich in their visions and dream showing that a move of God will start here and spread across the nations.
“Our reason in coming is to say that God has a purpose here, to encourage the church and to provoke it to go beyond the normal and step out into the unknown and believe God for breakthrough.
“Prayer is the key to revival. We have to break free from the dictates of the world system. We need to examine our hearts and see where are we not reaching God’s requirements and we need to forsake the ways, values and lifestyle of the world that have penetrated the church.”
To hear more of what John said click on the links above or below.


., 17/06/2009

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