The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Norfolk Christian's website sounds just great

Soundsgreat John Shaw2011: Norfolk minister Revd John Shaw has set up a website for people to find and share great Christian music.  

John came to Norfolk in 2000 as a curate to work at St Andrew's Church, Gorleston, and stayed there for four years. He then became vicar of the Rockland Benefice consisting of six churches stretching from Kirby Bedon to Carleton St Peter.

John's website, Sounds Great aims to be somewhere where people can go and, without any bother, learn of Christian groups and artists. They can also share on the site what they like to listen to as well.

John explains how he came to set the website up, "I was involved in a prayer group on Friday mornings. It worked well for a year or so and then people began to fall away due to work commitments, care of grandchildren etc. I found I was praying alone for six months.

I began playing music at the start and finish of the time and enjoying it so much that it developed into a, 'Noisy Prayer Time' often leaving me in tears.

Trying to find new Christian music to listen to is not easy.
Most of us lead busy lives and haven't got the time to spend searching on the internet."

Sounds greatJohn established the website as part of the training on the Clergy Leadership Programme that he took part in.
He is hoping to develop a community angle to the site so that local groups can advertise themselves and be heard and seen letting people know which Norfolk gigs and churches they are playing at.

John said, "No matter what happens I am having immense fun with the site and hope others enjoy it as much as I do."

The website is totally free and there is no subscription. Just log on to soundsjustgreat.tumblr.com and enjoy.

John is also starting a live meeting in July, where people can come to St Mary's Church, Rockland St Mary, once a month on the last Thursday of the month between 7 and 8pm and listen to music or bring their own to share.

To submit a story or to publicise an event please email: web@networknorwich.co.uk