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Norwich Christian fighting injustice in election bid 

Fighting the "greatest injustice our society is facing” has led Norwich Christian Elizabeth Davey to become a candidate in the Norwich South constituency at the General Election. Here she explains why she is taking a stand.

GENERAL ELECTIONAs Christians we are commanded to ‘Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter’ (Proverbs 24:11). The failure of our government to do what the Lord requires regarding the greatest injustice our society is facing.
In the UK we intentionally kill over 250,000 babies a year. Put another way, we have intentionally killed over 10 million babies since 1967. The reality is, until we start protecting babies in the womb, our country has no future. While God is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, He also loves justice and hates the shedding of innocent blood. If the UK does not repent of this practice and repeal its abortion laws, then we can expect God to hand us over, as he has started to do, to corrupt thinking, poor leadership, plagues, wars and worse.
I believe this is the foundational issue of the election, because most basic to any government and society is its understanding and value of human life. How can we claim to care for the weakest and most vulnerable when we ignore our neighbour in the womb who is being decapitated, disembowelled, dismembered, starved and suffocated, more than 800 every working day? Any good government is measured by how it treats the weakest among them, and no other main party has set out any plans to address this grave injustice, indeed some have expressed their desire to make it worse.
We know from Scripture that child sacrifice grieves the heart of God. So before you cast your vote this election everyone needs to ask themselves this question: “Am I about to vote for a party or candidate who supports the intentional killing of over 250,000 babies a year?”
I am standing as an independent candidate for Norwich South, seeking to make abortion a voting issue as part of the Vote Life network.
As part of Vote Life, I stand for:
1. Protecting babies’ right to life under law
We will repeal the 1967 Abortion Act and abolish abortion in the UK. We must protect unborn babies as we would protect any other group of vulnerable human beings.
2. Supporting women in challenging pregnancies through redirected funds
We will remove taxpayer funding from abortion providers. 99% of abortions today are funded by the NHS. It is unjust that public money is used to fund a practice called “healthcare” that intentionally kills an innocent human being, which so blatantly violates the Hippocratic Oath. These funds will be redirected to offer real support for women and families.
3. Reparations for women harmed by the abortion industry
Many women, deceived by the abortion industry, are left with physical, emotional, and psychological scars after aborting their child, often without informed consent. They deserve our support and our commitment to their healing, and they deserve to be heard.
These are necessary steps to protect the human right to life and to build a society that consistently values the equality of every individual. As you vote, remember that until we start protecting babies in the womb, our country has no future.
If you have been harmed by abortion and would like support, please visit their website votelife.co.uk and share your story. Vote Life is the only political movement seeking reparations for women harmed by abortion.
Elizabeth is available for speaking engagements seeking to help Christians think through the important issue of abortion this election season. You can contact her at info@votelife.co.uk

Other candidates in the Norwich South constituency are: Labour - Clive Lewis; Conservative - David Thomas; Green - Jamie Osborn; Lib Dem - Sean Bennett; Reform UK - Graham Burton for Reform UK; Party of Women - Linda Law.
Pictured above is independent candidate Elizabeth Davey.

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