The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

OCCCharity volunteers encouraged by church support 

Local team members for Christian charity Samaritan's Purse, who distributes shoeboxes to children at Christmas, have been busy visiting a church in Brundall and others far away as Essex.

Debra and Mark Watkins role is to link churches and the community with Samaritan’s purse/ Operation Christmas Child in Norfolk. They were pleased to be invited to attend the Songs of Praise in Brundall on July 7 to share about God at work in the ministry across Norfolk. Marks said, "We are grateful to businesses, churches, individuals and families who pack shoeboxes in Brundall. It is great to have the coffee shop as a drop of location, and the support of the hardware shop in the village."

The service in Brundall was an event of praise and thanksgiving to celebrate all that is going on in the village. Mark said, "The dedication to make a difference in people’s lives across the village and surrounding areas, was so impressive to hear. One of the scriptures that was used was the Good Samaritan parable and this message was emulated in all that we heard. Alongside ourselves we heard from the following: Brundall community Pantry, a great reminder that need is on our own doorstep; Brundall Charity shop and wow what great financial support comes from such a small shop to local needs across Norfolk; The Brundall Forget-me-not Café, how such a place meets the need of so many to combat isolation;  Dementia path way, supporting the making of new friendships and giving support to those who care for others; Anna Chaplaincy, what a ministry that has grown all over the UK and local to bring love; hope; comfort to those who can be forgotten as they live their latter years, a wonderful ministry of volunteers; and we heard also about Brundall Park Run, how through this medium, runners are invited to support local charities their generosity was highlighted."
Debra and Mark visited the area co-ordinator for the charity and her team of volunteers in Rayleigh in Essex. Mark said, "Debra and I talked about our time in Norfolk, and whilst still new into this voluntary work since retirement, we have had so many blessing across Norfolk, meeting with churches of all denominations; seeking to build up relationships with all who partner with us and make new relationships that are mutually supportive. One example of this is meeting with Christian bookshops in Norfolk, Revelation and Green Pastures, prayerfully considering how we can both support each other’s ministry."

Trish Ellse Regional Manager said: “Our volunteers are the heart beat of the ministry and our church partners are a reminder that as the body of Christ each of us has a part in the journey, the fruit of which is the thousands who come to know Jesus each year as a result of those partnerships.  Thank you for being a part of what God is doing through Operation Christmas Child and a simple shoebox gift.”

Those interested wanting more information on Operation Christmas Child for your church, school, group or business please contact Mark and Debra Watkins at markdebrawatkinsocc@yahoo.com 
Visit: www.samaritans-purse.org.uk

Pictured above, Doreen from St Laurence church and Mark Watkins from Operation Christmas Child. 

Helen Baldry, 21/07/2024

Helen Baldry
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