The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Andy Latham
People can be recycled too 

Norfolk Christian - and previous Network Norfolk content editor - Andy Latham has developed an initiative to bring the message of Jesus to the auto recycling industry in which he has worked for many years.

A simple definition for the word recycle is to say that something new is made from something old. It is saved from destruction and put to a good use. It is given a brand new purpose.

Working in conjunction with a pastor from Washington, Andy Latham of Salvage Wire based in Norfolk, has developed an initiative that is focused on the automotive industry that Andy has worked in all his life.

This initiative is designed to promote Jesus Christ, create fellowship and ministry opportunities for the automotive industry and to provide industry focused Christian literature and witness tools;  Andy has produced a booklet that is given out during the training he leads, or is put into all the post that his company sends out that explains how people can be recycled.

“This recycle process can happen to you too. It’s something that God will do for you. You can be saved from destruction (Titus 3:5), given a new life (Romans 6:4) and you can discover a new purpose (Ephesians 2:10)

Andy said, "The booklet asks the reader if they would like a new life with a new purpose, how to have a victorious, happy life now, if they have ever thought about eternal life, and if they would like forgiveness for the past and hope for the future. It then takes them through eight steps before they make a declaration."

Andy worked for Network Norfolk as a content editor from 2014 - 2016 

You can find a pdf version of the book at https://carvauk.co.uk/ and if you would like copies of the booklet and a one page leaflet then please email andy@salvagewire.com with your name and address and copies will be posted out to you. 

Helen Baldry, 20/07/2024

Helen Baldry
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