NCFL masthead 2023

New Norfolk Christian football season to kick off  

The Norfolk Christian Football League season kicks off its new season on Saturday September 7 with growing men’s and youth leagues, renewed knock-out cups and its first-ever entries in the County Junior Cup. Chairman Tom Horsfall reports.

I'm really excited and encouraged to update you with some of the growth and changes that have taken place over the summer break. There's still plenty of options and time to get involved so please do get in touch if you're interested and we gladly discuss this further with you.

Our mission statement of connecting Churches to community through football remains a real focus for the league committee and our prayer and hope is that relationships between churches and clubs continue to grow and strengthen. We are always looking for more players and clubs as well as Church partners and sponsorship to help us develop and grow this ministry. Hebrews 10:24-25 says ‘And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching.’ This is a passage shared at the start of our last committee meeting and is relevant as we look to encourage our clubs to use their reach to share the good news of Jesus.
In terms of the leagues, we have seen growth in our men's league as we welcome Lighthouse Church from Sheringham back to increase the number of teams in the league to 11. This season also sees the launch of our U16 league which we again welcome Lighthouse Church into alongside teams from Soul Church and the Stalham Youth Engagement Project. Our U14 and U12 leagues continue again featuring teams from Soul Church and Stalham Youth Engagement Project.
We will continue to run cup competitions at every age level this season which will include a change in format for the men’s league which will be a knock out style competition played at stages throughout the season alongside a new men’s plate competition for teams knocked out of the cup in the earlier rounds.
For the first time teams from the NCFL have been invited to play in the County Junior Cup competition and I'm excited to say that two teams have entered and have their fixtures scheduled for Saturday September 21. Not only does this mean more football for these teams but it is also an opportunity to spread the reach of the Christian League as these teams represent our league and values to a wider audience.

Pictured above are reigning men's league champions Eaton Eagles.

Published: 22/08/2024