When Connect Norwich met at the YMCA community hub in Norwich this month, they were encouraged to consider the ways in which their churches could be part of the lives of young people.
YMCA Norfolk encourage Christians to get involved
July date for Connect Norwich meeting
Sign up now for the next Connect Norwich lunch for Christian leaders, which will be held at YMCA, Aylsham Road on July 10.
Norwich Christian leaders advised to prioritise rest
Leaders of churches and charities gathered for a time of fellowship at King’s Community Church, including a talk from Toby Skipper on the importance of rest.
Your chance to support the work of Connect Norwich
Churches and Christian organisations across Greater Norwich have been asked to consider supporting the newly-renamed Connect Norwich group in its work in building meaningful relationships within the local Christian community.
Connect Norwich meeting date for May
The next Connect Norwich meeting for Christian leaders will be held at King's Community Church on May 15, with the opportunity to hear from Toby Skipper.
Phil urges Norwich leaders to embrace peace
Phil Gazley addressed Christian church and charity leaders at the Connect Norwich lunch, sharing information and insights from his work for Peace Catalyst International.
Connect Norwich is new name for city churches group
Connect Norwich is the new name for the Norwich inter-church group which has been known as Transforming Norwich for the past 18 years.
Transforming Norwich meeting date for March
The next Transforming Norwich meeting for leaders will be held at St Cuthbert's Church, Sprowston on March 20, with the opportunity to hear from Phil Gazley about his work with Peace Catalyst.
Norwich Leader talks about asylum seeker ministry
Rev Mark Elvin shared his passion for ecumenism and the church in Bowthorpe’s journey to support the asylum seekers who have arrived on their doorstep at this month’s Transforming Norwich meeting.
January Transforming Norwich meeting date 
There's still time to book to join the next Transforming Norwich meeting for leaders at Bowthorpe Church on January 17, with the opportunity to hear about work with asylum seekers and refugees from Rev Mark Elvin.
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