The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Opinion Column

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Go on-line to spread the Word of God

Robert Ashton encourages us to move with the times as we endeavour to reach out to the modern generation.

Do you remember those faraway days before we joined the EU? It was then all too common for travelling English tourists, when confronted by our continental friends, to simply speak more loudly. There was, then, the commonly held belief that speaking English loudly and slowly made it globally understood.
Of course, today we live in more enlightened times, and whilst we remain poor at learning languages, almost everyone else in the world now speaks English. If only those striving to share the word of God could be met with universal understanding. The gap today is not just of language, but of different generations.
You see, people under 40 now use their mobile phones to access information. Not by making calls, but by accessing websites, viewing YouTube video and using social media. They are simply not going to read small ads in the newspaper; and they are most definitively not going to turn up in response to a notice posted in the church porch. That might work for the flowers rota, but it will not fill the pews with fresh young faces!
My own Quaker Meeting has recently produced a new website as part of our outreach. It carries blogs by members, news of coming events and provides several ways you can find out more, without necessarily taking that giant leap of faith and stepping across the threshold on a Sunday morning. We also use Facebook and Twitter, although finding time can be a challenge.
So, if your communication strategy dates back to the ark, think about the subliminal messages this sends to those you’re hoping to attract. I’m not saying we have got it right, but we are certainly trying to move with the times. So, let’s stop shouting in the hope that people will hear. Let’s all get online and start our outreach efforts where the people are to be found. Go online!

The above image is courtesy of JamesDeMers at https://pixabay.com


Robert Ashton 640CF

Robert Ashton is an author, publisher, social entrepreneur and Quaker.
Visit www.robertashton.co.uk


For more about Turnpike Business Centre, Robert’s ethical business centre, click here.



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