The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Massingham Quilts
Final colourful quilt exhibition in Norfolk church

The year-long quilt project by Quilts 4 Care Leavers and the Friends of St Andrew’s Church Little Massingham will conclude this weekend with one last exhibition in the church.

On Friday 19 and Saturday 20 July, the completed quilts will return to Little Massingham and be on display in the church from 10.45am to 4.30pm each day.
Over sixty finished patchwork quilts, known as hugs and made across the UK, will be shown before being handed over to the Norfolk County Council and given to young people leaving the care system.
Rosmary from the project said: “Having had a very successful exhibition of quilt tops and the fantastic “Church Hug” in May - when we encircled the church at Little Massingham with people holding patchwork quilt tops - the tops were distributed to the many members of Quilts 4 Care Leavers who have done a wonderful job turning the tops into finished quilt hugs for the young people leaving the Norfolk Care System.”
The project has also helped to raise much needed money for the Little Massingham Church roof, but it is unique in that the young people at the heart of the project select a quilt of their choice.
The exhibition is free but any donations can be made towards restoring the church roof. Find out more at fosalm.org
Quilts 4 Care Leavers Exhibition
Friday 19 & Saturday 20 July
10.45am – 4.30pm
St Andrew’s Church, Little Massingham, PE32 2JT

click here to read our previous article about the project

Peter Bending, 16/07/2024

Peter Bending
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